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Radius® Tone Profiles (and Range)
Radius® Tone Profiles (and Range)

Does the Radius® product have different types of tones? What are their effective transmission ranges?

Updated over 4 months ago

The LISNR® Radius® 3.0 SDK utilizes Tone Profiles when creating Transmitters, Receivers, and Transceivers. Please see below for an overview:

Tone Profiles

  • Zone66: Long range, lower throughput. Optimized for reverberation and increased reliability. Typically used for Proximity Engagements, Broadcast and Second Screen implementations.

    • Throughput of 66.6 bits/second.

    • Maximum of 255 bytes for a single transmission

    • Average distance for mobile devices: ~20 ft (can be increased using external speakers)

  • Point1000: Short range, high throughput. Optimized for closed distances. Typically used for Authentication, Payments, Access, and Security implementations.

    • Throughput of 1000 bits/second

    • Maximum of 3000 bytes for a single transmission.

    • Average distance for mobile devices: ~2-3 ft

  • Point2000: Short range, high throughput. Optimized for closed distances. Typically used for Authentication, Payments, Access, and Security implementations.

    • Throughput of 2000 bits/second

    • Maximum of 3000 bytes for a single transmission.

    • Average distance for mobile devices: ~1-1.5 ft

Output level/volume determines the range of a LISNR® Radius® Tone. In basic terms, increasing the volume increases the range, while decreasing the volume shortens the range.

Both the Radius® Android and iOS SDKs have the ability to set a transmission volume during transmission (defaults to 100% volume output).

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