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Overlapped Audio/Music

Can LISNR® Radius® Tones be played through a sound system that is playing music at the same time?

Updated over 4 months ago

When a Radius® Tone is broadcasted simultaneously with music (overlayed), it exists at a higher frequency (16.5kHz-20kHz), hence there will be no interference with LISNR® communication.

For example, LISNR® Radius® tone files created by the Tone Creator on the LISNR® Portal OR by using the LISNR® Tone Service API will output a tone mp3 or wav file. This file can be mixed with any additional desired audio output and played on your broadcasting speaker/device.

By default, the Radius® SDK for Desktop (macOS, Windows, Linux) will mix audio streams. If music is playing from a music application out of the desktop speakers, broadcasting a tone with the Radius® SDK for Desktop will result in the Radius® tones being played simultaneously.

By default, the Radius® SDK for Android and iOS does not allow audio streams to be shared. If music is playing from a music application such as Spotify or Youtube, broadcasting a tone with the Radius® SDK for Android/iOS will result in the music stream pausing and allowing the Radius® broadcast to complete.

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